
User Services Table

Class Fees

  • Singular lessons are generally free at Tearn.
  • Classes are collections of lessons combined with value-added services from teachers. Tearn charges a class fee on behalf of the professional. The fee depends on the service included with the Tearn course.

Annual Subscription Fees

  • Learners play without supervision for free at Tearn. Learners can join (i.e. as a user) for free to track scores.
  • Parents can join for free. As a paid subscriber, parents link and track learner activities, guide learners with thousands of available lessons, and create lessons to help their learners with homework.
  • Active volunteers, teachers, and tutors subscribe to gain an integrated workshop. Certain volunteers can apply for a free workshop.
Tearn services for paid members (i.e. Tearners) are listed in the table below.

Create a Workshop, Now

Comparison Table of User Services

Play lessons
Demo lessonsYesYesYes
Public lessonsYesYes
Tearner lessonsYes
Apply and Enroll in ClassesYesYes
My Page/WorkshopPageWorkshop
Cumulative ScoresYesYes
Monitor & Guide LearnersYes
Create Lessons & CoursesYes
Share Content w/CommunityYes
Communicate with TearnersYes
Annual Subscription FeeNoneNone$60