Q: Is TEARN a word?
A: TEARN is a new word derived from teach and learn. It is also an infrequently used name in England. Most often, online documents mistype 'team' as 'tearn'.
Q: Does TEARN offer courses and lessons?
A: Unlike thousands of sites that offer their courses, TEARN enables parents, tutors, and teachers to create lessons and courses that include online games and worksheets. TEARN offers the courses and lessons from its members.
Those thousands of sites can save millions on the maintenance costs of their learning centers using TEARN.
Q: Does TEARN provide proven learning plans?
A: The worksheet styles provided by TEARN include the best of global methods that have educated billions of children world-wide.
Online games clearly engage learners for hours. Thus, TEARN inspires children to learn.
The lessons and courses are provided by members. Members are qualified professionals who know state requirements, developmental needs by age and pace, and special subjects. These professionals are proven and teach everyday. TEARN inspires their teaching options to bridge the learning gap.
Q: What kinds of lessons are available at TEARN?
A: All types of lessons are available. TEARN provides a platform to support any subject or learning level. Members with content expertise supply the lessons for users.
Q: How is TEARN different?
A: TEARN is not a new way to learn. TEARN automates the creation of proven learning activities like worksheets, online games, and learning games - saving man years.
Metaphorically, milk is a proven agent for promoting growth. The TEARN invention for automating learning activities is like an invention that reduces the cost of producing milk by ten fold. Thus, milk would cost $0.25 per gallon. The invention does not change milk as an effective element for promoting growth.The industrial, computer, and Internet revolutions have shown that automation successfully replaces manual labor. Using unique technology that leverages each lesson into hundreds of learning activities, TEARN accomodates millions of learning activities -- to exceed the inventory of the largest book publishers. Manual efforts by publishers and webmasters to create and maintain their learning centers page-by-page -- simply cannot compete with automated methods.
Publishers and webmasters are welcome to join TEARN to revolutionize learning activities.
Q: What learning methods are supported?
A: Howard Gardner from Harvard University, in his Multiple Intelligences thesis, defines eight classes of learners. Other educational researchers have expanded the classification to show dozens of ways that people learn. Every learner has the ability to learn, and responds to methods that match their abilities.
TEARN enables dozens of learning methods to match the needs of each learner. We believe that rich, one-on-one choice will enable more learners to discover their full potential.
Q: Who invented TEARN?
A: The inventor prefers to stay private. He is a founder and funder of TEARN. His prior inventions include the ground-breaking spreadsheet in 1977 that has become a standard tool for all computer users. He is an early pioneer in Artificial Intelligence from MIT. He has over 35 years experience starting and running technology companies.
This founder is motivated to improve learning for his three minors; and hundreds of children who he has coached.
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